Ferarri , Ferrari Tractor Manual
Looking for info about Ferarri Tractors. Made in Italy, these machines are plentiful in Europe but not so much here. They were sold by an dealer in Ca . The company was absorbed into BCS (Blue Machines). If you have a manual for one of these machines , I'd buy it and or make a copy and or make it worth your time. You get the idea. I'm NOT looking for something for nothing.
The model info I'm searching for is a 22-66 , has a Mitsubishi Diesel 3 cylinder, 24 HP. It's a 4x4 tractor of 1988 vintage. Any manual even if it's not for this specific model might still be useful since the layouts are most likely similar. It would be nice to have a guide rather than go in there blind.
Thanks for your time and help.