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We help people connect through secondhand wonders.

We’re here because we’ve experienced the true value of thrifted goods, and we want to help you experience that, too.

We flipped the secondhand script.

As a team of passionate thrifters, constant tinkerers, and avid bargain shoppers, we get it. We understand how desperate you can feel when you’ve searched weeks, months, or even years for that special item. You’ve been kicked around, ghosted, scammed, and thrown back into the secondhand fire over and over again.

So we decided to flip the script.

Instead of highlighting what people have, we focus on what people need. We help buyers shine a super bright spotlight on their search, paving the path for real connections.

We focus on needs.

Like we said, we aren’t focused on what people have. We’re focused on what people want and need. Where buyers go, the sellers will follow.

We simplify the hunt.

You shouldn’t have to visit a million platforms just to find one item. We’ve simplified and streamlined that process for you.

We make real connections.

We’re building a community full of people who share similar, yet diverse experiences that help us all connect through secondhand wonders.

We will be the change.

We’re here for a good time — but also a long time. Our mission is to empower the secondhand community until reducing waste becomes secondhand nature.

Meet the leadership team

Thrifted with passion, together for a purpose

Dave Nguyen
Janrey Rivera
Milton Filho