WANTED: york barbell weights & dumbbells. any old weight plates gym equipment
$$$CASH offer$$$ 💵💰💰
I am BUYING vintage weights, old weight plates, dumbbells, barbells, dumbell bars, weightlifting memorabilia and other gym equipment. Prefer York Barbell but will consider all weights. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! Thank you! Have a blessed day
Specifically looking for brands including York Barbell, Jackson Barbell, Dan Lurie, Bur-Bell, Jowett, Saxon, Milo, Good, Reading, & more
Key Words: York Barbell, deep dish, DD, york, york barbell, roundhead, roundheads, round head, round heads, globe, globes, buns, weights, weight, dumbells, gym, fitness, workout, standard, olympic, plates, barbell, bar, bars, curl, lift, deep dish, old, iron, cast, vintage, cardio, metal, weight, weights, weightlift, weightlifting, power, power lift, power cage, squat, dumbbells, dumbbell, dumbell, dumbells, gym, split sleeve, spin, pin, set, iron, incline, decline, military, press, bench, deadlift, squat, rogue, cap, ivanko, plate, blob, lift, fit, milo, Hampton, pro style, grip, style, rack, weider, Lurie, jackson, Ferrigno, Jowett, Billard, Roberts, Bur, strong, strongman, powerlift, powerlifting, milled, 45, 45lbs, 1” 2” Olympic standard spinlock speedlock - thank you 4 reading!