Buyer looking for
WANTED vintage Camping Stoves, Lanterns, etc.
Hi all,
Im looking for VINTAGE Coleman (or other brands: Sears, Kamplite, Jc Higgins, Kampkook, Optimus, Primus, Svea ) camping equipment:
Single mantle and double mantle lanterns, 2 burner and single burner stoves, folding tables (similar to the one pictured) Canvas tents, Heaters, lantern hangers, stove tables, Lantern cases, Coolers, Jugs, Parts, Literature and accessories. Also Hasag lanterns.
In working order is good but I also like to fix, restore, renovate the Old stuff as I did the lantern pictured and put them back to use. So not working is ok for some.
Fri Dec 15 2023 14:28:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
I have two Colman lanterns one with Green base the other with Chrome base