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Buyer looking for

Wanted old Pioneer Sansui stereos and turntables Wanted.

Budget: $100.00

Collecting old Pioneer Stereo equipment old CD's old Record Albums
We buy vintage audio equipment in almost any condition. Whether you've got a single piece or a full collection, give us a call or text
The kinds of things we're looking for:
Vintage Amplifiers
Tube Amplifiers
Vintage Receivers
Vintage Integrated Amps
Vintage Preamplifiers
Vintage Turntables
Vintage Tuners
Modern Turntables (if they have a great look)
Vintage Speakers
Horn Loaded Speakers
Modern Speakers (Audiophile quality)
And anything that fits into the Mid-Century Modern Audiophile/Stereophile aesthetic.

Posted by: John Paulo | Category: Electronics | Location: Lombard, IL (60148)